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Expand Heritage Square with more historic buildings
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Expand Heritage Square with more historic buildings
Heirtage Square is great, but could be better

Heritage Square and the historic Rosson House are terrific, but the area could be better. To combat the prevailing "Phoenix has no history" myth, it would be nice to see the area expanded. Downtown Phoenix has a huge excess of parking, so it would be nice to see the parking structure there knocked over, allowing room for expansion.

Without the Parking Garage in the way, other historic buildings in danger of demolition could be moved into Heritage Square. Perhaps even some from this list: http://tinyurl.com/9uon9y9

Imagine if you could visit Lord Darrell Duppa's (the man who named Phoenix) adobe home, then walk to the Victorian Rosson house, then maybe to a Bungalow style home, and then to a modern home-- either a Haver replica or perhaps the White Gates house!

The various homes could house museums, shops, restaurants, etc. If a Mid Century Modern house is added to Heritage Square it could become a small "Museum of the Mid Century" adorned with MCM furniture, pictures of PHX from that period. It could be the epicenter of the PHX MCM movement and really promote PHX as one of the worlds premier places for MCM architecture.

Of course, the Phoenix Museum of History should be revived as well. A City that doesn't respect its own history certainly doesn't respect itself.

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