Reviewed Ideas
The Light Rail has been a great success, but Light Rail is only one component of a fully fledge rail transit system. Commuter and Intercity rail need to be built as well, but so does Modern Streetcar for more middle use areas. Both Tucson and Tempe are following the lead of cities like Portland and getting on board the Modern Streetcar revival. Phoenix ought to follow suit. The best place in PHX for Modern Streetcar is McDowell Rd between 19th Ave and 24th St. This 4 mile stretch is loaded with potential, all one needs to do is drive/bike down it to see that. McDowell Rd has perhaps the largest stock of buildings built right up to or near the street that still survives in PHX. Many of these buildings, especially along the old "Miracle Mile" stretch in Coronado are dilapidated but ooze potential. Just think of the connective possibilities for the McDowell Modern Streetcar (MMS), from West to East it would connect: * at 19th Ave a multi modal station connecting the MMS to the West extension of Light Rail, buses, Commuter Rail and a terminus station for the GARP (Grand Ave Rail Project) A streetcar on McDowell ties together some of PHXs strongest historic 'hoods and best attractions and would be a huge engine for revitalizing McDowell Road. http://en.wikipedia.