Reviewed Ideas
Users of employer-provided Platinum Passes must tap their cards before boarding light rail. Tapping ensures that the passenger's employer is billed for the ride. There is also a proposal on this site to allow individual consumers to purchase pre-paid, refillable passes that are debited on a per-ride basis. If implemented, those would also require tapping before each ride. While this system usually works well, it can be a challenge when there are large crowds at any station. Regular commuters who need only a second to tap their passes become stuck in line behind occasional passengers struggling with the ticket machines. When a train is pulling into the station under these conditions, Metro's most loyal passengers face a dilemma: Either skip the tap, deprive the agency of revenue, and risk being cited for fare evasion or stay in line, tap the pass, and miss the train. The remedy is to add more dedicated pass readers at key stations. These machines, used only by pass holders, already exist at several stations, including Mill Avenue and Central Station. That's a good start, but many more are needed. There should be dedicated pass readers at every station that has a park-and-ride because those facilities are more often used by occasional passengers who need extra time to buy tickets. Likewise, there should be dedicated pass readers at the 44th St. / Washington (Airport) Station due to the large number of travelers arriving from out of town and buying tickets for use during their visits to Phoenix.