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What is your “Big Idea” for the future of Phoenix?
Help spread the word. Encourage other Phoenix residents to participate!
Work more closely with ASU's Cronkite School
Reviewed Ideas
Forwarded to PlanPHX Leadership Committee and appropriate city department

Hold more community events in the Cronkite School. Work with classes, students, and professors to open up City Hall to the public. Create student-led PR campaigns, have students write news stories, and provide City data to journalists to analyze and report to City residents in meaningful ways.

Students could do a story reporting on the City of Phoenix's solid waste system, for instance, showing residents where trash goes after it's picked up from their homes and how much solid waste Phoenix handles every day.
Have students investigate the economic impact of Sky Harbor.

There are a million ways we could create a meaningful relationship between this valuable resource and City Hall. Let's capitalize on this asset.

Joshua B1
Great idea Andrew! We will be posting a challenge question in the next week asking for ideas on how we can get more people involved with PlanPHX. This is exactly the kind of feedback we'll be looking for. Keep an eye out for this challenge on the main page soon.

Idea Collaboration by  MindMixer