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Bicycling Advisory Board

I believe the City of Phoenix needs a Bicycling Advisory Committee. There are currently several groups that play a roll in achieving the goal of Phoenix being a safe, fun and desired location for our favorite mode of recreation and transportation. But, first some background.

There is the Bicycle Initiatives Sub-Committee of the Environmental Quality Commission. It is led by Jeremy Stapleton and has two more sitting members. They promote a strategic plan and the meetings, when they do occur, have become the closest we have to an advisory committee. The few regular attendees from the public are listened to.

Joseph Perez is the Transportation Departments Bicycle/Pedestrian Coordinator, full time for about a year now. He reports to Kerry Wilcoxon. They have a budget for five miles of Bike Lanes to be added per year. I will point out that Phoenix is way too large and has too many bicyclists for that level of staffing, despite the good they have accomplished.

Various cycling groups have, on occasion, voiced support or opposition to projects. The most notable was regarding the multi-use bridge over 19th Avenue near Greenway Road. Arizona Bicycle Club has a committee known as Phoenix Political Pedal Power, “P4” for short, that is a voice for that large group of cyclists. P4 members usually are the largest group at Mr. Stapelton's meetings. The Coalition of Arizona Bicyclists is involved in MAG planning and is about to do safety education for MAG. Not One More has lobbied for improvements in State laws. Several people provide the Traffic Skills 101 cycling safety classes under the League of American Bicyclists here in the Valley.

The groups I mentioned, while supportive of cycling in general, are not cohesive when it comes to the continuous effort needed to make judgments for the scope of roads and cyclists in Phoenix. [truncated. The full text can be seen in FaceBook at http://tinyurl.com/7dwdpgm posted Aug 28]


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