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What is your “Big Idea” for the future of Phoenix?
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Updated: Oct 24, 2012 Ardyce E

We "know" that our air quality is bad, but we don't know where it's best and worst. We individuals need to know more. We need to include health factors when we decide where to live.

So we need local, detailed air quality data and it isn't available.

If the city, through grants and partnerships, would monitor air quality in some or all of the higher density areas where people are more likely to walk, redevelopment would sort itself out.. And mitigation could be focused on the more vulnerable areas.

I have read about ASU's Hestia project which maps emissions at street level in real time 24/7. I've also seen a demonstration of the Indianapolis test site.

They're currently mapping Phoenix. I assume that the public will have real-time access to the display.

Once we get past the fascination of the display and examine our own turf, we must insist on a plan of action.

This belongs in the General Plan.


Idea Collaboration by  MindMixer