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Change the DASH Bus Route to better reflect our "new" downtown
Reviewed Ideas
Forwarded to PlanPHX Leadership Committee and appropriate city department
Change the DASH Bus Route to better reflect our "new" downtown
A colorful DASH bus, but how many people actually ride it? How many more would ride it on a new route?
Change the DASH Bus Route to better reflect our "new" downtown
Art Detour 24 shuttle route. Is it the answer? Maybe, maybe not. But always looking at options is a good thing.

Poor DASH. Like Rodney Dangerfield, the Downtown Area Shuttle Bus "don't get no respect." Its funding has been cut over the years, the downtown loop was eliminated, and ridership on the current government loop is anemic.

So what's a public transit service to do? Hopefully not the status quo because that's obviously not working. How about... experimenting with a new route? The shuttle route created for Art Detour 24 made quick stops to key spots in midtown, Roosevelt Row, Grand Avenue, and downtown. And it supplemented light rail to boot.

It's time to boot what's not working and try something new. Bold cities do that.

More Info:
Mass Transit Service Cuts in Downtown Phoenix

Idea Collaboration by  MindMixer