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Improvement based on quality of life neighborhood decisions
Reviewed Ideas
Forwarded to PlanPHX Leadership Committee and appropriate city department

Improvement based on quality of life neighborhood planning decisions.
This may be included into city planning and development:
I would like to suggest that an evaluation neighborhood by neighborhood measuring qualities of life.
The positive metrics could include 1) shopping (trader Joes, Einstine Bro Bagel Store Hallmark Card Shop, Sprouts)2)transportation 3)family doctors and general offices 4) Jobs not just service jobs paying 7.25 per hour 5)Up scale restaurant
The negative metrics could include 1) Pawn Shop 2) goodwill 3) Four or more fast food places within a one mile square 4) Four liquor licenses in a quarter mile quadrant.
Then city department or the village planning could look at development based on real needs of that neighborhood. For example we know we need better paying jobs for a particular area-then giving McDonalds permission to build in a particular community does not meet our quality of life standard so they can open up. The doctor’s office would meet our requirement in this example and would be given priority.
If there was a missing quality the city would go after that part for the community and if not they would oppose that type of development.


Idea Collaboration by  MindMixer