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What is your “Big Idea” for the future of Phoenix?
Help spread the word. Encourage other Phoenix residents to participate!
Making Phoenix a notable city with a national image
Reviewed Ideas
Forwarded to PlanPHX Leadership Committee and appropriate city department

This has probably been done at some level (I did watch a video of a city meeting about planning) but at the top levels Phoenix must meet and create a vision for the future and then put policies into effect that will make the vision a reality. 1. Phoenix needs much more density--tax breaks,and other incentives should be put into effect to make infill a reality. No more spread should become a mantra. 2. Phoenix needs to distinguish itself from Arizona--not in a hostile manner, but simply emphasizing that Phoenix is more diverse, liberal, forward looking than rural and even much suburban Arizona. Nationally we shouldn't be synonymous with Arizona. 3. We should focus on an area or industry or the arts that will create a unique image of Phoenix, i.e. Nashville. 4. we should create a landmark building (not a 90 story building that's out of scale with the rest of the city) or park or public space that can come to identify Phoenix, i.e. the Hollywood sign. 5 Phoenix needs to employ people who value Phoenix and know it--city bureauacrats not noticing the situation of the F.L. Wright house is unforgiveable. 6. Schemes for creating a sense of community and strong neighborhoods need to be encouraged perhaps through the Block Watch offices--we should be reaching out to our neighbors in friendship more often then we should be listening to the local beat patrolman tell of fearful possibilities. 7. Phoenix should think more than twice about allowing developers to put up any kind of housing they want at the inside and at the edge of the city while we pay for the infrastructure. Much more control should be maintained--we no longer need numbers, we're big; we need value, beauty, community, neighborhoods that create pride. 8. Idea: bring all the diverse school districts together and attempt to create the best general curriculum for K-12 in the country so our younger citizens will be prepared for the future. 9. Art: more easily accessible art and performances; notable architecture.


Idea Collaboration by  MindMixer