Mitigate Future Gun Violence by Learning Martial Arts
Both sides of the gun violence debate have used myopic tunnel vision and are not communicating feasible ideas to one another. I am offering a more practical solution than going out and buying a bunch guns, or confiscating all guns. Why not send your children to a martial arts class so they can learn self confidence, and improve the most important "weapon" they have, their brains? Better yet, why not enroll in a martial arts class yourself, with your family members and learn basic self defense? Did you know that most gun violence occurs within a short distance of a person, inside of 10-feet? Did you know that police agencies and the FBI are retooling their advice to people, rather than giving in to a gunman, confront the gunman and defend yourself, especially if you are close to a "mad man". "The only solution to a mad man with a gun is a good man with a gun" (NRA), really? How about making the mad man not mad in the first place? How about early intervention with children so they no longer lack self confidence, and would thereby be less likely to use a gun anyway? Retool your own brain, become more healthy and self-aware of your surroundings thru martial arts curriculum. Become a more peaceful and happy person with martial arts training, and combat childhood obesity, mental health issues all at the same time. This martial arts strategy will take a generation at least to really change our violent-prone society, but what choice do we really have when there are over 310 million guns in American already? Please remember what happened on Flight 93, where the passengers rushed the highjackers, and took the fight to them, rather than give in. Never forget, we have a brain and we can use our own bodies as a means of self defense, and at the same time become a more healthy person, and thus a more peaceful society.