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Reviewed Ideas
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Currently in downtown, some roads are one-way and some are two-way -- and this makes things very confusing because of the lack of consistency.

So instead, make all numbered Streets & Aves one-way in Downtown Phoenix. One idea is for all even roads to be northbound, and for all odd roads to be southbound.

One-way roads are safer for pedestrians because they reduce the number of "conflict points", make it easier for pedestrians to assess moving traffic, and allow us to create narrower auto-lanes (b/c of reduced firetruck restrictions) which serves to slow automobile speeds.

Some argue against one-way streets because they say that they increase auto speeds, but this happens because most one-way streets are created with the motivation of timing the lights to allow traffic to flow with fewer stops, and it is those fewer stops that leads to greater speeds. So by simply *not* timing the lights, we avoid that pitfall, and instead receive the benefits that one-way streets can offer.

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Idea Collaboration by  MindMixer