Reviewed Ideas
As part of the Roosevelt Row Streetscape Project, parallel parking with an option for parklets would benefit everyone. This would create the greatest flexibility and creative parklets would be such a wonderful addition to the Roosevelt Arts District. They could even involve local artists! Restaurants and cafes can switch between extra seating or extra parking and see what works best for them. What happens during the 7 months of the year when it's either too hot or too cold to sit outside to enjoy a meal? There will be an extra wide sidewalk with lots of empty seating. Or, there could be a more comfortable and welcoming sidewalk with some tables and chairs and some parallel parking (or even a bike corral). Let's face it; those hot summer months are the time when people are in their cars and don't want to even walk half a block to get anywhere. This is when the parallel parking will come in handy. When the weather is nice for those other 5 months of the year, a parklet can be created with extra seating to accommodate the need. This is when everyone is out biking and walking and driving less. Businesses that want to have parking can still opt to have parking instead of a parklet or could even create a parklet with benches or even a community garden.