Reviewed Ideas
We should landscape to highlight our desert ecology. It's important, both in terms of promoting the use of native plants and to establish a signature sense of place in downtown PHX. I would also ask that we stop pruning shrubs into balls and cubes. Such butchery is ugly and restricts plants from adding significant beauty to the cityscape. Let's think strategically about what types of plants we use in landscaping and where. Some beautiful plants, like oleander, can grow to become quite large. If we were to plant one in a place that could accommodate its anticipated growth, we could allow that plant to grow naturally. In time, the beauty it would provide in natural maturity would far outstrip anything that several cubed plants could offer. When plants grow naturally, not only do they provide a lot of green, but their natural shapes provide a sense of texture that adds to their overall beauty. Let's promote natural landscaping in downtown PHX.
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