Reviewed Ideas
Install solar panels over Light Rail stops (and eventually LR track segments) to generate renewable electricity for the LR, provide shade and cooling systems at the LR stops, then sell excess electricity back to the Power Company. This will generate income to subsidize the operational costs of LR, finance any expansion across metro area, pay off any remaining costs AND, eventually, allow the city to provide FREE public transportation for everyone. If successful, this model could be applied to "commuter" transportation projects, eg connecting outlying suburbs to downtown/sports arenas and other areas of interest (ie, Queen Creek/AJ, Anthem, Verrado/Buckeye, Surprise/El Mirage, Flagstaff & Tucson to Phx.) Commuter trains would also be covered in solar panels to protect passengers/trains from sunlight/heat AND provide renewable electricity to run the trains. With the income from "sell back," debt would be paid off sooner and transportation would be FREE to the public.