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Street Milling & Overlay - Making a Good Road Design Bad.
Reviewed Ideas
Forwarded to PlanPHX Leadership Committee and appropriate city department
Street Milling & Overlay - Making a Good Road Design Bad.

Street Transportation Dept. inspectors need to enforce MAG standards more strictly like Planning & Development Dept. inspectors enforce on private contractors. From my understanding, the City pays private contractors to mill and overlay Phoenix roads. The private contractors are supervised by the Street Dept. inspectors. These contractors bid the project based upon MAG standards. So, when the contractor mills curb lane instead of the the full width of the road, the City is not absorbing the savings the contractor is.

Take 7th St & 7th Ave between Dunlap & McDowell as examples. These streets are examples of years and years of overlay and not milling the entire width of the road. Instead, these streets curb lanes are only milled causing the road to develop a huge crown that steeply slopes towards the curb.

The City needs to enforce contractors milling the entire width of the street and not solely the curb lanes. Milling the entire width of the street is to MAG standards. In addition, too high of a crown causes water to flow and sheet too quickly causing the curb lane to flood. This makes taking right turns dangerous and difficult.

Plus, no one likes riding passenger in a curb lane where it feels like they're about to fall out of their seat.


Idea Collaboration by  MindMixer