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What is your “Big Idea” for the future of Phoenix?
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Sustainable land use to enhance community livability...
Reviewed Ideas
Forwarded to PlanPHX Leadership Committee and appropriate city department
This is a great idea. We are in the process of organizing and presenting all of the ideas to the PlanPHX Leadership and city management.

Arizona’s ability to attract business, and thereby economic growth, is closely tied to its livability standards. Therefore, the Phoenix General Plan should focus on sustainable land use to enhance the livability of its many communities. To enhance livability, communities should have:

• A discernible center
• Housing within a five minute walk of the center
• A variety of dwelling types
• A variety of stores and commercial activity
• Flexible backyard “ancillary” buildings for working or living
• A school within walking distance
• Playgrounds near all dwellings
• Connected streets
• Narrow, shaded streets conducive to pedestrians and cyclists
• Buildings close to the street at a pedestrian scale
• Parking or garages placed behind buildings and away from street frontages
• Prominent civic and public buildings
• A community decision process for maintenance, security, and neighborhood development
• Public Mass transit connections within walking distance
• High density development in urban core areas


Idea Collaboration by  MindMixer