Reviewed Ideas
This idea is meant in some ways to expand upon this one: I strongly agree that Amtrak needs to return to Phoenix, specifically to Union Station. What I'd like to propose in this idea is what can be done with Union Station today, and how it should be expanded in the future: 1. Union Station is currently being used as a warehouse type space for Sprint telecommunications equipment. The City should work to find another warehouse location for Sprint. Then Union Station should be given the TLC it so badly needs, restoring its former beauty. Once the building is renovated it could be put to all sorts of positive use while we wait on Intercity rail and MAGs Commuter rail. Most easily it could be turned into a rentable space for events, weddings, conventions, meetings, et cetera. Here's a list of train stations all across the country that have been converted: 2. Once InterCity Rail & Commuter Rail happen, Union Station will need to be expanded. Its a gorgeous but rather quaint station that likely won't fit the needs of a major metropolis. The City should abandon 4th Ave from Union Station to Jefferson St and convert it into a new terminal/station that feeds into the existing historic station. The current Central Bus station could then be shuttered, moving the buses to the main Union Station. Adding Greyhound & other City bus service at the new Union Station would be great as well. The Light Rail West extension would connect via a stop @ 4th Ave/Jefferson. Go here for a list of impressive train stations we should be modeling Union after: Or here for a map visualizing my plan for Union Station the immediate surroundings: