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We need EXPRESS service on LRT
We need express LRT trains now!

It seems most major train transit systems have Express service, sadly Valley Metro hasn't blessed folks in PHX with this basic service. They claim its because they want to "keep Light Rail simple" as if they assume their riders are dummies. I'm not sure what's "simple" about having to make every stop when its unnecessary.

During peak usage times, Metro should operate a few Express trains. I would suggest the Express trains would stop only at Park & Rides and Transit Centers. So you'd have the following stops made:

* Christown (19th/Montebello)
* Uptown (Central/Camelback)
* Downtown (Van Buren/Central/1st Ave)
* Gateway CC (38th St/Washington)
* Sky Harbor (44th St/Washington)
* Sun Devil Stadium (Veterans/College)
* Dorsey Lane (Dorsey/Apache)
* McClintock (McClintock/Apache)
* Loop 101 (101/Apache)
* Tri City (Dobson/Main St)

There would likely also need to be a stop or two in Midtown. Either at Thomas/Central (Midtown stop) and/or at the "Cultural District" stop at McDowell (likely both).

That cuts out about half the stops and would greatly speed up service and make it much more convenient for people connecting to Transit Centers and Park and Rides. Those customers likely make up a large portion of rush hour commuters.

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Idea Collaboration by  MindMixer