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Dedicate 19th Avenue to the fallen Yarnell firefighters
Reviewed Ideas
Forwarded to PlanPHX Leadership Committee and appropriate city department

My proposal is to dedicate 19th Avenue to the firefighters that died fighting the Yarnell Hill fire by naming it the Yarnell Parkway.

Signs and addresses will not need to be changed, as it can remain 19th Avenue. But street signs can be added along the route, designating it the Yarnell Parkway much in the same way our freeways have two names eg 51/Piestewa Freeway.

19th Ave is one of our most important arterial streets, connecting as far North as Jomax and as far South as Dobbins, without interruption. It would seem appropriate to honor the firefighters who died protecting Arizona with a memorial street that spans the length of its capitol.


Idea Collaboration by  MindMixer