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What is your “Big Idea” for the future of Phoenix?
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Diversify Corporate Recruitment/Relocation Strategy
Reviewed Ideas
Forwarded to PlanPHX Leadership Committee and appropriate city department

I think that many of our Economic Development Councils (i.e. GPEC) focus a lot of energy on recruiting production jobs, fulfillment centers, and call centers to our area. While these organizations and strategy provide much needed jobs, I would like to see Corporate Headquarters with high-level (paying) jobs brought to downtown Phoenix. I would like to see our Mayor work on developing some "incentives" (yes, I know that's going to 'cause some controversy and yes I recognize there's more to it like education, arts, public transportation) to recruit corporations to rellocate to Phoenix. Helping small businesses and recuriting production work isn't going to sustain us in the long run.

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Idea Collaboration by  MindMixer