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Eliminate Stroads - Convert Arterials into Streets and Roads
Reviewed Ideas
Forwarded to PlanPHX Leadership Committee and appropriate city department
Eliminate Stroads - Convert Arterials into Streets and Roads
A street

Our parallel 1 mile apart arterials try to be both streets for local traffic and also high speed intercity roads. This makes them perform poorly in both roles, in terms of traffic throughput, land utilization, and vibrancy.

We need to take half of these stroads[1] and convert them into streets, reducing the speed limit to 30 mph or less, eliminating traffic lanes, widening sidewalks, and painting sharrows[2] or bike lanes, and convert the other half of these stroads into true intercity roads, eliminating driveways and intersections and adding bike paths (physically separated bike paths work better when there are few intersections).

More Info:
[1] Roads, Streets, STROADS and Park Roads - Strong Towns Blog - Strong Towns
[2] Shared lane marking - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Envision roads & streets as multi-modal public space connectors

Idea Collaboration by  MindMixer