Reviewed Ideas
Along 16th St from approximately Jefferson to Thomas a mural project has begun called "Calle 16" (simply Spanish for "16th St"). Initially it was something of a reaction to SB1070, with hopes to install Mexican pride in the community and neighborhood. More and more private businesses in the area have begun taking part in the mural project and if you know where to look, there's really a lot of awesome mural art in the neighborhood now. So many places in the Valley often seem to lack character or authenticity, Calle 16 certainly IS NOT one of those places. The City should formally embrace Calle 16, in part to make it even better, but also, to encourage other areas of the City to band together and improve themselves in much the same way. Four things the City can do to more formally embrace Calle 16: This would include adding signage to the bridge over the I-10 that read "Calle 16" so that the thousands of people who travel under it, know about it. 2. A road diet/street improvement project from Thomas to Jefferson. Unfortunately much of Calle 16 is narrow, shadeless sidewalks up against rushing traffic. Lets add trees, shade, benches, trash cans, etc. Don't forget bike lanes or at the very least "Sharrows" in the right hand lane. Even though the design of this stretch of road is VERY pedestrian and bike friendly, I find more people on foot/bike in this area than in most parts of the City. New planter areas could also have boards for murals on them that could be changed every so often. 3. Add information about Calle 16 and the great chain of Mexican stores and eateries to tourist information, promote it at Welcome Centers, etc. 4. Increase bus service or add a neighborhood circulator to Calle 16. A bus that ran from the LRT stop @ 12th to 16th/Thomas would be great. If PHX is ever going to have a "Little Mexico" then Calle 16 is likely it.