Now that housing prices seem to be on the rise, we should work with housing developers to plan the next generation of sustainable homes that lead the country in efficiency and innovation. Not only will this stimulate the building economy, it will also attract people to our city. Homes should be affordable and super energy efficient, like some "net zero" models that some builders advertise. Targeted areas could be both in fill lots that are vacant, areas where old vacant structures exist, or new developments in areas like North Phoenix or the Desert Ridge area. Features could include: standard solar panels, sustainable materials, affordable price range, passive solar design, ability to send excess power back to the grid for credit or even operate off the grid, as an option. In fill area homes could be smaller and more modular for fast construction, while sustainable neighborhoods in North Phoenix could have a more standard appearance. Make these developments a shining example to our country as a way that Phoenix stands out, is looking to the future, and is putting people back to work!