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Put parking BEHIND shopping centers not in front
Reviewed Ideas
Forwarded to PlanPHX Leadership Committee and appropriate city department
Put parking BEHIND shopping centers not in front

It used to be the case that when small 'strip' retail centers were built, parking for automobiles was always in the rear, not out front. We need to go back to this ASAP.

Putting parking behind a building creates a lot of positive effects:
1. It reduces the distance cyclists and pedestrians need to travel
2. It creates a solid wall of buildings along the street, create visual interest
3. The buildings help to shade/cool the sidewalks
4. It allows for more 'strolling' and window shopping
5. It encourages drivers to slow down because there are more things to look at & the roads don't seem like wide open country highways
6. It provides a nice place for cafes and streetside dining. Who wants to stare at a sea of parking while dining?
7. It encourages better architecture. If more people are actually seeing your building because its not hidden by a sea of parking, developers are more likely to build quality. Buildings that have visual interest and catch the eye of the passerby.

This is a VERY easy fix to the Citys zoning. Even without dramatically reducing parking requirements (which also needs to be done), this would make new developments much better.


Idea Collaboration by  MindMixer