Reviewed Ideas Phoenix now has the "Downtown Phoenix Urban Form Code" plan for our Downtown area. Its a code based on building sizes and types, instead of traditional zoning which zones based on use (shops in place A, houses in place B, etc). This is a wonderful first step towards Downtown growing into a more diverse, mixed use, vital place. Unfortunately, the rest of Central PHX has no such code. Phoenix needs to expand the form based code to all of Central PHX & to everywhere within 1/2 Mile of the LRT line. This would give PHX a large solid urban heart, with branches of urbanity following the LRT line out in all directions. Of course the borders for this could be discussed, but my hope would be that it would be: Lincoln to Missouri, I-17 to SR 51. We have plenty of places in our 400 square mile City for low density, sprawl, Walmarts and whatever else people may want. But PHX needs to take a stand and say "in this area, we're doing City-ish stuff, if you don't like it, go move out by the Carefree Highway." Here's a video that kinda gives you an idea about what form based code are about if you're not familiar: