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What's your favorite vacant building near light rail?
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Reviewed Ideas
Forwarded to PlanPHX Leadership Committee and appropriate city department
Professional Building
1931 Professional Building, downtown Phoenix

The Professional Building is listed on the Phoenix Historic Neighborhood Coalition's 2011 Most enDangered Dozen Historic Places. It was designed by Morgan, Walls, & Clements from Los Angeles in association with local architect H.H. Green, was built in 1931. The Art Deco tower was home to Valley National Bank on the lower floors and medical offices on the upper. It sat relatively empty except for a few pedestrian level fast food spots until Grace Communities purchased it in 2002. Renovation was underway to convert the Professional Building into a 150 room boutique hotel when the mortgage lender filed for bankruptcy. Other development plans have arisen since then, but none have come to fruition.

More Info:
Professional Building, Phoenix, AZ

Idea Collaboration by  MindMixer