There should be a public park within walking distance of every home to encourage recreation, to help residents get to know to know their neighbors, to increase property values, and to reduce water usage and reduce the urban heat island effect by encouraging more land-efficient living. There are a lot of vacant lots that could be turned into small neighborhood parks. And with so many homes in foreclosure, now is a good time to buy up properties, while the price is low and they would need much renovation to sell. These foreclosed properties could also be turned into neighborhood parks. "Walking distance" should be actual walking distance, not as the crow flies. Let's start with a metric of 10 minutes walking, which is 1/2 mile. A park with some trees and grass irrigated with reclaimed water, playground equipment, benches, and a water fountain should be located within 1/2 walking mile of every residence. Because this would increase property values and therefore property tax revenue, and because it would help reduce crime and therefore reduce law enforcement costs, the city of Phoenix would be justified in using general funds to pay for this program.