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Addressing The Driving/Walking DANGERS
Reviewed Ideas
Forwarded to PlanPHX Leadership Committee and appropriate city department

If you notice there is a common pattern in accidents with trucks.. WE need the LIGHTs on the highway working..and a big TURN ARROW that says CURVE AHEAD Trucks slow. Also we have these huge signs only used for emergencies or Amber Alerts.. They should be used 2X a much displaying SAFETY messages:LIKE: arrive alive don't text/talk and drive, Give TRUCKS and CARs plenty of road space etc. The crosswalk timer has a green light at the same time it tells someone to walk! WRONG! It should give the walker a 2 to 3 second headstart and all CORNER items like plants, signs, boxes ect that block ANY line of sight should be banned.


Idea Collaboration by  MindMixer