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Better Downtown Parking Policies & Tools
Reviewed Ideas
Forwarded to PlanPHX Leadership Committee and appropriate city department
Better Downtown Parking Policies & Tools

A 2006 parking study chartered by City Council found that downtown has 14,000 parking spaces in excess of *peak* demand. Yet we hear all the time how parking is "so hard" downtown.

So let's make it less hard by making our public parking signs more prominent, branding parking structure facades, and even using paint on the pavement to help drivers identify where they can park.

Let's also create a parking app for smartphones that allows drivers to see exactly where there are available parking spaces. This technology is already in use in other American cities.

And finally let's implement more shared parking agreements and policies so don't have some parking structures that are full during the day and empty at night while others are empty during the day and full at night.

Making parking in our existing parking structures easier will help us avoid the unfounded notion that we need to build more of them.

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Idea Collaboration by  MindMixer