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Creating District Designations in Downtown
Nov 01, 2012 Kristin P1

The success of an urban area is linked at some level to its vibrancy. The desire of its inhabitants to want to work, play and live in that area. Many cities have embedded identities and neighborhoods that offer distinct character.

Create, designate and foster multiple districts in Phoenix to stimulate the economic and cultural life of the region through the development and promotion of the district and its unique identity. Create critical mass in each of these districts by attracting and clustering like-minded businesses or attractions together (perhaps using an incentive based program or tax-break at first) and celebrating and marketing the collective and individual attraction of each to Phoenix's residents and visitors.

Some examples could include:
Innovation District - Deliberate, experimental spaces with small business/entrepreneur-friendly zoning and amenities to attract incubators and start-ups.

Artist District - Concentration of galleries and live/work mixed use spaces.

Entertainment District - Dense concentration of offerings for social/cultural activity, food and entertainment.

Science or Bioscience District - Concentration of science based research facilities, schools, companies and museums.


Idea Collaboration by  MindMixer