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Redesign a Street that's easily closed for Ciclovia event
Updated: Nov 02, 2012 Joe B8
Redesign a Street that's easily closed for Ciclovia event
55th Ave and Campbell is the center of a 1 mile long linear park

We used to have Sundays on Central.
I believe we need this event to be reborn.
I believe we need a street that is one mile long with a parking lane, bike lane and one or two through lanes in each direction. then add 4 medians, each of which is 1300' long and 30 to 60' wide.
check out 55th Ave from Indian School to Camelback.
In Bogota Columbia, 70 miles of streets are closed to cars every Sunday.
I want to walk, run, skate and ride my bike every Sunday, not just once per month at South Mountain.
I want to have fun on a street that has restaurants and coffee and funky shops and live music and outdoor patios.
I suggest Van Buren from 12th Street to Galvin Parkway, 5.7 miles

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