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What is your “Big Idea” for the future of Phoenix?
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Existing buildings and the Community College System
Reviewed Ideas
Forwarded to PlanPHX Leadership Committee and appropriate city department

I propose reuse of existing buildings for shopping, restaurants, museums, and event spaces instead of demolishing more history from Phoenix for more parking and empty dirt lots.

As areas become more gentrified encourage long standing businesses to stay in the neighborhoods by providing financial renovation assistance. Additionally, with the number of Community Colleges and Universitys in our community teams of students could complete projects for credit. I.E. an architecture, mechanical, plumbing, structural, or electrical student would get credit for approved plans, an Interior Design student would get credit for an executed design, trades from welding students to electrical would get credit (and on the job training) for their work. A graphic design student could design all related signage.


Idea Collaboration by  MindMixer