Reviewed Ideas
After nearly 10 years of direct advocacy (and more than 20 years of neighborhood calls for action) ADOT replaced the noise wall on the north side of I-10 from 11th - 15th Aves with a taller barrier. This project was completed approx 60 days ago and has had a huge impact on our quality of life by reducing noise levels from the freeway. This wall runs along a massive drainage area that's designed to collect water from a flood event and evacuate it via a concrete inlet. The inlet leads to huge underground storm drains built when the freeway was completed in 1990. The drainage basin is currently covered with large sized river rock and graveled slopes. It's landscaped with a combination of mature trees and new plantings which replaced the mature landscaping lost during demolition of the old wall. The entire area is fenced off by 10ft chain link and wrought iron fencing for security. No access is allowed by anyone except ADOT and their subcontractors. The basin has never had more than a few inches of water in its very bottom, even during the monsoon and other large rain storms. It certainly has never been flooded. My proposal is to reclaim that area for added use as a neighborhood park. Many examples exist throughout the Valley of similar dual uses. These areas serve as greenbelts and parks, large and small, as well as drainage and flood control. It just makes sense to create areas that can serve the community year round, especially when there is no other local park option, AND to perform the safety use of massive drainage in the event that is needed. Like all project ideas, there are many considerations. Useful projects rarely have no obstacles to overcome. The point is that there is need and that this is a proven method to maximize benefit and improve quality of life. Short bio: I'm a 38 year resident of the FQ Story Historic District which is bisected by 1-10. My home abuts the ROW, drainage area. I personally handled the noise wall effort for Story.