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Local and Express Buses on Every Route
Reviewed Ideas
Forwarded to PlanPHX Leadership Committee and appropriate city department

Having buses stop every 800-1000 feet is convenient for the elderly and handicapped, but it dramatically slows down average bus speeds, making them slow and inconvenient for the rest of us. So let's make one of every two bus trips on each route an express bus that stops no more than once per mile. Would you be willing to walk an extra 5 minutes to an express bus stop in order to save 30 minutes on the bus?

If your destination is far away, take the express bus, designated with an "X" suffix to the route number. If you don't want to walk to an express bus stop, take the local bus. Having local and express buses on the same route fulfills everyone's needs, and adding an "X" to the route number avoids confusion and makes it easier to keep track of route numbers.

Express bus stations could get extra shade, misting systems, portland loos, and other amenities that aren't affordable for ordinary bus stops. Express buses could get wifi and extra space for luggage.


Idea Collaboration by  MindMixer