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What is your “Big Idea” for the future of Phoenix?
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ZipCar clusters at every college campus, light rail station etc!
Reviewed Ideas
Forwarded to PlanPHX Leadership Committee and appropriate city department
ZipCar clusters at every college campus, light rail station etc!

ZipCar is a car sharing rental company recently acquired by Avis, which allows it to better capitalize on the explosive growth of the car sharing industry.

"Each shared vehicle in North America has been shown to replace 9 to 13 personal cars, and reduce driving by an average of 44% – as members pocket the savings and choose to walk, bike, and take transit."

Embracing this trend will have so many benefits for Phoenix it's too hard to count them all, but here are a few
- we have 2 parking spaces for every car in Phoenix and 2.1 cars for every household - over 13 square miles in parking spaces alone. Each Zipcar would allow us to erase 1/7 of an acre of parking space. To put it another way, there are over 3 Million parking spaces in Phoenix - each Zipcar would allow over 46 parking spaces to be used for something else. Phoenix only has 3 Zipcars in circulation at the moment.
- each consumer co-titled car sends on average $6,000 out of the state each year to auto, finance, insurance, gas and parts companies - over $7.5 Billion sucked out of the economy. Each Zipcar would allow up to $77,000 to be kept in the Phoenix economy.
- add your own headline benefits!

More Info:
Phoenix, AZ Number of Vehicles Per Household - CLRSearch

Idea Collaboration by  MindMixer