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What is your “Big Idea” for the future of Phoenix?
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Addressing HeadON, the Anti-Society in Phoenix Directly
Reviewed Ideas
Forwarded to PlanPHX Leadership Committee and appropriate city department

What is anti-society you ask? Let alone how do we address it head on? First Anti-Society: Examples:a. At Phoenix Comiccon or a local theatre someone pulls the fire alarm because they think it's funny. b. A Sheriff or public official uses ugly tones to describe illegals..instead of addressing the legal behaviors c. Jodi Arias: A woman who feels powerless dies her hair blond is the blond bombshell only to meet a self absorbed know it all man and decides to have revenge.... these are all examples of Anti Society Phoenix! We must be a more integrated city and a more kind society.. how? First our public officials in the police dept, city hall, state building need to understand that they are inciting HATRED which manifests itself in behaviors : Tagging, Fire Alarms, Murder, Driveby gun Shots etc... We need it stated clearly that Phoenix is ONE, all are included and invited to the table. This back and forth business is only making things simmer with anger.


Idea Collaboration by  MindMixer