Reviewed Ideas
1) rid ourselves the burden of being a retiree state...let peoria or suprise annex sun city...with this we begin to look forward instead of staying stagnant....and with that what happens is hopefully we 2) turn red to blue and rid ourselves the menaces of brewer and arpaio...really i dont think anything can really happen until we got out the vote... the light rail doesnt run into phoenix all hours as it should like it does tempe to mesa...i think looking at tempe (minus the corporate loving millers) can help us...but none of this means anything if the basic citizenry are only first friday familiar with downtown...yes we've tried to get teh word out and it does seem to be helping some but for the most part, since our public transit is still pretty shoddy (as well as our airwaves) no one can get anywhere so they figure why bother...get rid of brewer arpaio and get the funds back into public transit